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OS/ ERP-AgentursoftwareOS/

Project Budgets

Efficient and reliable quotes in minutes

Highly accurate project budgeting with simple drag and drop

OS/ Projektkalkulation Übersicht

CEOs and project managers love OS/ because it offers precise budgeting and intuitive visualization of all project costs – maximizing efficiency and profitability.

OS/ ERP-Agentursoftware

Why project managers love OS/

/ More time for the work that matters

Calculate projects and inquiries 10x faster than with any other agency software.

/ A truly practical tool

OS/ was designed and engineered through extensive agency knowledge and practice.

/ Simple and intuitive

Through the intuitive OS/ budgeting interface, project managers hit the ground running and create their first budgets in just a few minutes.

/ Round-the-clock support

Our customer service team is at your side 24/7 to provide support for even the most complex tasks.

Key budgeting functions at a glance

The OS/Sidebar: simple and efficient

Preparing and adjusting offers is child's play with the OS/ Sidebar. Using a simple drag and drop interface, producers can quickly incorporate and adapt existing project structures into new budgets.

OS/ Sidebar
OS/ Service Katalog

The OS/ service catalog

The OS/ service catalog leaves nothing to be desired. Easily create templates for specific customers or business areas and customize them  to your needs.

Full flexibility

Save versions, apply markups, toggle optional positions, activate individual line items or entire sections – with OS/, producers can overcome even the most complex challenges with ease.

OS/ interface
OS/ Rechnungsexport

Elegant export in your design

For your clients, OS/ exports offers as a high-quality PDF in your CI. Each export is versioned in OS/, so you can access previous offers or track history at any time.


Can I try OS/ for free?

Yes, we would be happy to set up a free test workspace for your company. Simply arrange a short demo with one of our experts.

Will OS/ migrate my running projects?

OS/ imports data from most agency software solutions, such as Moco. Simply speak to one of our experts about your individual migration plan.

How does OS/ work with my accounting software?

OS/ connects to your accounting solution via modern APIs and automatically transfers all document data, including metadata, to the 3rd-party system. It couldn't be easier.

Does OS/ support client-specific hourly rates?

Yes. OS/ supports individual, customer-specific service pricing.

Will I have access to my ongoing and completed projects after migrating to OS/?

After the data migration, you have access to all transferred projects and can complete them and use them as a basis for new projects and offers.

Can I customize the design of invoices and offers in OS/?

Yes, with OS/ you can send invoices and offers with your own logo and letterhead. You can also customize the text fields for address, terms and conditions and payment terms. This way your documents always remain professional and consistent.

We would be happy to advise you on a personal product tour

Book your OS/Expert appointment now. Our experts will give you a personal overview of relevant functions, answer all your questions and set up an individual test account for your business.

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